17 Weeks



How Far Along: 17 weeks 

Size of Baby: Baby Goetke is the size of an onion (5.1 in, 5.9 oz). Baby G is able to hear now! For weeks, we’ve been talking about when he/she would finally be able to hear sound. Matt will most likely try to get our baby hooked on good music before he/she even arrives!

Maternity Clothes: Oh yeah! I’m wearing maternity pants all the time, but still able to wear both my regular shirts and maternity. My belly has gotten significantly bigger in the past week though! 

Gender: We find out if Baby G is a boy or girl on TUESDAY! Matt and I talk about our predictions every. single. day. We are SO EXCITED to start correctly referring to our baby as he or she! 

Movement: Nothing yet. I’m so excited for the week that I can finally say I’m feeling movement. I will lay very still in the mornings and try to see if I feel anything, but I haven’t yet! 

Sleep: Sleeping is my absolute favorite. I love sleeping and can’t get enough. I’m not exhausted or feeling fatigued anymore, but I will always love my sleep, regardless of any pregnancy symptoms. I haven’t been waking up to use the bathroom anymore. I’ve started drinking less at night and using the bathroom numerous times before bed. 

What I Miss: My appetite. I’m still not loving food, but I’m eating better than I was last week. Some things that I’m able to eat are cereal, chips, yogurt, fruit, and vegetables. 

What I’m looking forward to: TUESDAY! We go for our one and only ultrasound on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30pm. We are anxious and ecstatic! Matt and I both think we are having a boy! We’ve loved hearing all of our family and friends predictions. 

Cravings: None

Symptoms: My growing belly and an unsettled stomach. 

Best Moment of the Week: I came home from work today (Friday) and Matt had cleaned and organized our home! He hung curtains, made our bed, organized our pantry, organized our kitchen cabinets, cleaned the dishes, and cleaned up laundry. I am the luckiest pregnant wife EVER!!! He has taken such good care of me and done so much to make everyday easier for me. He is my favorite!

16 Weeks – ECU Pregnancy Exercise Research Study


How Far Along: 16 Weeks

Size of Baby: Baby Goetke is the size of an avocado (4.6 in, 3.5 oz).

Maternity Clothes: I am still wearing my regular workout pants and capris to the gym, but I can feel that they’re getting snug. I will definitely need to invest in a new pair very soon! I wear the t-shirts I’ve always worn to the gym, but they are starting to pull around my belly. I will probably start wearing a size up in the next few weeks!

Sleep: I’m sleeping GREAT! Nothing has changed about my sleeping. I try to use the bathroom as much as possible before I get in bed at night (so that I don’t wake up needing to pee!).

What I Miss: My appetite. I haven’t been wanting to eat lately. Nothing sounds good and I don’t crave anything at all. I only eat when I’m actually hungry, which is new for me. I would usually eat just because I was bored or told myself I was “hungry.”

What I’m looking forward to: I’m looking forward to finding out the gender of the baby! Matt and I are so ready to get in the nursery and start painting and decorating. We also are excited to name our baby!

Cravings: No cravings at all.

Symptoms: Constipation has turned into the opposite and I dislike food in general.

Best Moment of the Week: Matt’s 24th Birthday! We celebrated Matt’s birthday this week at Plaza Azteca with a few of our friends. Mexican food is his absolute favorite, so I sucked it up and watched everyone eat way too many chips and salsa! 🙂 Matt turned the age he will be when Baby G is born!

Research Study: I joined a pregnancy research study at ECU. It has been amazing and I feel so much better already! They drew blood, had me complete a fitness test, took my body comps, and created an individual exercise plan. I choose 3 days each week to go to FITT and exercise. Each time I go, one of the grad assistants or interns takes my blood pressure before and after my workout and also has me wear a watch and heart rate monitor around my chest. They also set my weights and record my progress throughout each workout. I wasn’t working out before 15 weeks, so I have felt SO much better in the past 2 weeks of exercising! I’m so thankful to be a part of this study and to build some muscle. I will be very grateful come July!

14 Weeks


Matt was cracking me up. It’s pretty hilarious to take pictures of yourself getting bigger, but it’s exciting too! 🙂

How Far Along: 14 weeks and 4 days

Size of Baby: Baby Goetke is the size of a navel orange. About 4.5 inches and 2-3 oz. Matt loves keeping me updated on what vegetable or fruit the baby’s size is comparable to.

Maternity Clothes: Oh yes! Very soon after we found out the good news, I started wearing maternity pants. I have two pairs of maternity jeans and one pair of black pants. I’m still able to wear normal tops, but I’ve started wearing a few maternity tops as well. I am loving maternity clothes! They’re so comfy and I love the elastic waistband.

Gender: We find out on January 28!!! YAY!

Movement: I haven’t felt anything yet. Our midwife said that I could expect to feel the baby fluttering around 20 weeks, but I’m hoping it will be sooner! I’m hoping I will know the difference between feeling our baby and every other way my stomach can make me feel.

Sleep: Up until last week, I was sleeping through the night. This week, if I wake up at all, I immediately have to use the bathroom. Some nights I am sleeping through the night, but usually I have to get up at least one time. I have had very strange, vivid dreams recently. About a week ago, I dreamed that soldiers in Afghanistan were dressed up as safari animals and riding sand mobiles in the desert. Just the other night, I dreamed about snakes, dogs, and our family cat we had growing up named “Dawn.” Hoping the dreams don’t continue! I feel exhausted on the mornings where I’ve dreamed a lot.

What I Miss: I would have to say I miss feeling energetic. I used to come home from work ready to hang out, play a game, or do chores around the house. Lately, I just want to come home and pass out!

What I’m looking forward to: Our next appointment on January 28! We are so excited to have our first ultrasound and to find out whether Baby Goetke is a boy or a girl!

Cravings: Anything that sounds good. Most food grosses me out and makes me feel nauseous, so when something sounds good, I want it immediately! One thing that I haven’t wanted AT ALL is meat.

Symptoms: Constipation (and we will leave it to that!)

Best Moment of the Week: One day this week, I didn’t feel good at all and wanted to come home from work and crash on the couch. Matt went to the grocery store, cooked dinner, and took care of everything! He is the BEST “pregnant woman’s husband” I could EVER ask for!


12 Weeks

Baby Goetke

This gallery contains 7 photos.

As many of you know, Matt and I are expecting a baby in July. We feel very blessed and are thrilled! I wanted to start documenting our pregnancy, for friends and family, and so that we can remember this special … Continue reading