35 Weeks



How Far Along: 35 weeks and 3 days

Size of Baby: She should be about 18 inches long and close to 5 lbs. She is definitely running out of room in there because I feel her every move. I read that the bigger she gets and the more space she takes up, the less amniotic fluid there is to cushion. 

Movement: She is moving everyday and I feel her a lot more often! I haven’t felt her have the hiccups anymore. She likes to get situated right up under my right ribs. I’m not sure what body part she is pushing with, but I have had the most discomfort on the right side. We are able to see her move from the outside of my belly, but we can’t make out exactly what we are seeing move. She responds when my belly is touched or pushed. She will either move away from the area that is being touched or push back harder. 

Sleep: Sleeping great! Falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and waking up once a night (usually around 2-3am) to use the bathroom. Recently, when I wake up to use the bathroom, I’ve started thinking about how I’m able to crawl back in bed for the rest of the night (right now). I can’t believe that in just a few short weeks we will be waking up and having to change Holland’s diaper, feed her, and put her back to sleep! 

What I miss: Being able to bend over and move quickly. I feel like everything takes longer to do. I’m slower to get out of bed, get up and down, and slower when I walk anywhere. 

What I’m looking forward to: Meeting Holland! We are getting so excited for her to finally be here. Time has gone by so fast and we talk everyday about how we can’t believe that she will be here in a few weeks. It feels like yesterday that we found out I was pregnant! Her room is almost completely ready! Matt has built her picture ledge bookshelves and is going to paint and hang them soon! All of her things are organized and put away in her nursery. I’ve started washing her clothes and still have a few more drawers of clothes to wash. 


Symptoms: About the same. My feet and legs are very swollen most of the time, lower back pain, and using the bathroom often. I haven’t had much pressure, so I’m hoping that when I do, it’ll be a sign that she’s on the way! 

Random Facts: We have our 4D ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow (June 3) at 4pm! We are going to the Brody Outpatient Center and will get to see Holland’s actual features! We haven’t had an ultrasound since I was 26 weeks, so we are very excited to see how much bigger she has gotten! I’m hoping that she is head down this time. She hasn’t been head down since about 17 weeks, so I’m beginning to feel a little anxious about when/if she is going to flip! 


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