Spring Break


Playing putt-putt in Myrtle Beach at 30 weeks!




Matt fishing on a charter in Sunset Beach.



Livvy helping open all of the presents! We are all so excited to Penny to arrive in June!


Penny is due June 18! Can’t wait for Holland to meet her friend!


Sara is pretty excited to meet Holland! 🙂

29 Weeks


How Far Along: 29 Weeks 

Size of Baby: She should be around 15 inches long and close to 3 lbs now. She will be fattening up from here on out! 

Movement: She is moving everyday, but not a whole lot! I think it’s safe to say that she’s not an overly active baby, which we are hoping will be a huge blessing after she arrives. We have our hopes up for a good sleeper, like her mommy and daddy! 😉 The other night she was moving a ton after I had fallen asleep. Her movements didn’t actually wake me up…Matt did! He was so excited and hadn’t fallen asleep yet. At our last appointment, she was pretty much sideways, with her head under my right rib cage and her feet and bottom above the left side of my pelvis. I haven’t felt her have the hiccups yet, but I know that is something that can be felt about this time. 

Sleep: Great! I’m hoping I can still say that in about 5-10 more weeks, but very thankful that I’ve slept so good for this long! 

What I miss: Being able to build endurance while exercising. Every week I work out 3 days, but I feel like I start building my endurance all over again each week. As my belly gets bigger, I can feel it in my work outs. I miss seeing and feeling obvious progress each week that I work out!

What I’m looking forward to: SPRING BREAK! Our church has a packed out weekend to celebrate Easter. We have a Good Friday service on Friday night, a church-wide Pot Luck on Saturday afternoon, and the Baptism Sunday on Easter morning. My parents are coming to spend Easter Sunday with us at Integrity and then Matt and I are going to Myrtle Beach with his family for a few days! I’m so excited for a break from work to enjoy the nice, spring weather! It’s so hard to work inside all day and not be able to take advantage of how good it feels out there!

Symptoms: Lower back pain (not a surprise at this point)! On Monday, I woke up with a shooting pain on my lower right back. Matt had to push me up out of bed and then, once I had my feet on the ground, I couldn’t step and put any pressure on my right foot without the pain getting worse. I laid back down on a heating pad and the pain went away around lunch time. Since then, I’ve been laying on the heat every night before I fall asleep, hoping that it will help prevent that from happening again. Other than back pain, I haven’t really had any other symptoms besides a growing belly! 

Best Moment of the Week: Matt surprised me on Tuesday night with a date night to Ribeyes! It just opened last week right around the corner! It was SO good. They have the best salad bar and their sweet potatoes are amazing! Matt couldn’t believe that I ate every last bite of my potato and didn’t finish my grilled chicken, but it’s just that good! Another exciting thing that happened this week was that Holland’s wooden monogram, to hang above her crib, came in! I sanded and painted it last night and will post pictures of the finished product after Matt hangs it up! 
Random Facts: I’m pretty sure I passed my glucose test! My appointment was a week ago today and I haven’t gotten a phone call. The nurse who drew my blood for the test said I would either receive a call (in 24-48 hours) saying that I didn’t pass or I’d receive a letter in the mail saying that I did. I’m assuming that a letter is on it’s way and that I passed! I was not wanting to have to do the more extensive 3-hour glucose test if I had failed the first one.


28 Weeks

28 Weeks


How Far Along: 28 Weeks

Size of Baby: Baby Goetke is the size of an eggplant. She weighed 2 lbs 7 oz at her Dr. appointment on Thursday, April 10.

Sleep: Still sleeping good! I sleep with a pillow between my legs and a pillow up under my belly. I’m hoping that surrounding myself with pillows will help my back to stay aligned and not hurt in the morning. I am still sleeping through the night, but occasionally will wake up around 4-5am to use the bathroom.

What I’m looking forward to: Excited to go to Morehead City to visit my parents this weekend and then Ashley Jenkins baby shower on Saturday night!

Best Moment of the Week: I don’t know if this would be the best moment of the week, or just a memorable one (haha!). Matt and I attended a Breastfeeding and Baby Care class on Monday night at Physicians East. Each class lasted an hour, so we were there from 6-8pm. At first, Matt was the only guy there, but then a few guys trickled in. We learned more in the first class (breastfeeding) than we did in the baby care class. We probably learned more because neither of us knew anything about it! I think we can say we feel (somewhat) more prepared…definitely more so than we would have without taking the class.


28 Weeks

We celebrated Ashley Jenkins (37 weeks) on Saturday, April 12! Baby Jada is due May 3 and Matt and I can’t wait to meet her!

Life Group Baby Shower


Thank you to our amazing Life Group for our first baby shower! We ate lots of good food and they gave us gifts for Holland! They made us feel so special and loved. We are so thankful for this group of people that we get to see every Thursday night!


End of the Second Trimester

Pregnancy Update (last few weeks of the 2nd trimester):

FITT Exercise Program: I am LOVING the FITT program at ECU. I am still going 3 days a week and someone works with me each time I go. I am on my last stretch of planks! My front and side planks have gotten harder as my belly grows, so I’m excited to be done with that particular exercise. I definitely have more energy on the days I go to FITT and I feel so much better than I did the first 15 weeks of my pregnancy. Exercise has really made a difference in how I’ve felt!

Symptoms: My back is what has given me the most trouble. My back hurt before I got pregnant, but it has gotten much worse with the extra weight. Some mornings, I will wake up and have a shooting pain in my lower right back, but it just depends on the position I slept in and how Holland situates in my belly. Matt also has to help me get up from the couch. He has started giving me an extra boost when I’m getting up from sitting or laying down. I can’t imagine what he’ll have to do in the next 12 weeks!

Cravings: I am still craving Krispy Kreme doughnuts (glazed with chocolate icing and sprinkles) and really anything sweet! I always crave sweets, so I’m not sure if it’s the pregnancy or just me being myself. 🙂 I have also had a major craving for strawberries! I can eat a whole basket a day, or more if they’re available and you let me!

Maternity clothes: I was able to wear my normal tops up until about 27 weeks. I am still squeezing into a few of my non-maternity clothes, but definitely not pants! All of my small t-shirts are not covering my belly anymore, so I’ve had to go up to bigger sizes in those. I actually don’t mind maternity clothes at all. They’re really comfortable and I’ve been able to find really cute stuff. My favorite maternity clothes have come from Kohl’s, Old Navy, and Pink Blush Maternity online. I don’t expect my Old Navy maternity clothes to last more than this first pregnancy, but at such a low cost, it won’t matter. The tops have been about $8-10 and the pants are about $25-30. I think that the pants I’ve gotten from Kohl’s will hold up much better than the ones from Old Navy. My two pair of jeans have come from Target and Old Navy, and those have been perfect!


27 Weeks

Amanda and Dallas came to visit for the weekend. Amanda did a Jamberry party with a bunch of my girlfriends! We went to eat at Winslow’s and grilled out after church on Sunday. Wish they lived closer so we could hang out all the time!


27 Weeks

Almost done with the second trimester! This was at the Holloman’s house during Life Group.



25 Weeks

Matt and I walked 3 miles on the greenway on a Saturday morning (March 22). The weather was perfect and it felt so good!