28 Weeks


How Far Along: 28 Weeks

Size of Baby: Baby Goetke is the size of an eggplant. She weighed 2 lbs 7 oz at her Dr. appointment on Thursday, April 10.

Sleep: Still sleeping good! I sleep with a pillow between my legs and a pillow up under my belly. I’m hoping that surrounding myself with pillows will help my back to stay aligned and not hurt in the morning. I am still sleeping through the night, but occasionally will wake up around 4-5am to use the bathroom.

What I’m looking forward to: Excited to go to Morehead City to visit my parents this weekend and then Ashley Jenkins baby shower on Saturday night!

Best Moment of the Week: I don’t know if this would be the best moment of the week, or just a memorable one (haha!). Matt and I attended a Breastfeeding and Baby Care class on Monday night at Physicians East. Each class lasted an hour, so we were there from 6-8pm. At first, Matt was the only guy there, but then a few guys trickled in. We learned more in the first class (breastfeeding) than we did in the baby care class. We probably learned more because neither of us knew anything about it! I think we can say we feel (somewhat) more prepared…definitely more so than we would have without taking the class.


28 Weeks

We celebrated Ashley Jenkins (37 weeks) on Saturday, April 12! Baby Jada is due May 3 and Matt and I can’t wait to meet her!

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