Baby Shower in Stedman

Our baby shower in Stedman was so wonderful and our family put so much thought into making it so special. Matt’s aunts, cousins, and sister organized, decorated, and made the most delicious food! Holland is already so loved and blessed! Thank you to everyone who came and showered us (and baby Holland) with love. We can’t wait for her to meet all of you! Now for some pictures of the day.



This was such a creative idea! As guests arrived, they signed their name and placed a pink fingerprint on the tree. I love that Holland will have this print hung in her nursery, just like Matt and I have a fingerprint tree from our wedding day that hangs above our dining room table.



Amanda made the beautiful banner with Holland’s name and Jessica made the awesome diaper cake!


Love these girls! We missed you, Amber! Can’t wait to see you soon! 🙂


Kristen came to our baby shower in Stedman. It was so sweet of her to make the trip!




The yummy cake Jessica made!



The beautiful hostesses that made it all happen! Thank you for everything each of you did to make the shower so perfect!


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